Sex and the City

Acrostics are great, and the ability for indie constructors to make acrostics seems to have taken a giant leap forward today. Thanks Alex Boisvert and everyone behind these tools! I had to try it out as quickly as possible. Enjoy, and perhaps there will be more in the future. And please, make your own, so I can solve them on my crossword stream!

(Direct link, if the embed is too small.)

Cahoots! (with Will Eisenberg)

Over on Will’s puzzle blog Half-Baked Puzzles we’ve got a freshly baked treat for you. (Well, actually, it’s been in the oven for months, but sometimes you want to cook for a long time at low heat. Anyway.) A fun puzzle with a wild grid. We each constructed half the grid, and then clued the other person’s side—see if you can guess who did what!

More puzzles soon, including some Pride puzzles. For whatever reason (pandemic exhaustion? things are still locked up here in Ontario…) I’ve been very slow to construct puzzles lately, which doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on them! But hey, shout out to the outlets (like Universal and USA Today and Inkubator and… am I forgetting anyone?) who have been highlighting queer constructors this month. Rah! (Oh, and of course go do more of Will’s puzzles, if you aren’t already.)