Elemental Disappearances. [Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh and Dejan Lukić.] 2016.
Murder Ballads. [David John Brennan.] 2016.
How We Write. [Suzanne Conklin Akbari, ed.] 2015.
Matches: A Light Book. [S.D. Chrostowska.] 2015.
Photography in the Middle. [Rob Coley & Dean Lockwood.] 2016.
The Digital Humanist. [Fiormonte, Numerico, Tomasi, eds.] 2015.
Object Oriented Environs. [Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Julian Yates, eds.] 2016.
Knocking the Hustle. [Lester K. Spence.] 2015.
Rumba under Fire. [Irina Dumitrescu, ed.] 2016.
Walk on the Beach. 2016.
Ravish the Republic. [Michael Berger.] 2015.
Why the Center Can't Hold. [Tom O'Neill.] 2016.
As If. [William N. West.] 2016.
Helvete 3. 2016.
Knowledge, Spirit, Law: Book 1. [Gavin Keeney.] 2015.
Humid, All Too Humid. [Dominic Pettman.] 2015
Chaste Cinematics. [Victor Vitanza.] 2015.
The Pedagogics of Unlearning. [Éamonn Dunne and Aidan Seery, eds.] 2016.
Ardea. [Freya Mathews.] 2016.
Solar Calendar. [Jeremy Bendik-Keymer.] 2017.
Speculations VI. 2016.
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